The Fenway is an exciting area made up of world-renowned academic, medical, arts, and cultural institutions. Additionally, the Fenway has a residential neighborhood, a business community, and the jewel of Fenway: the centennial ballpark that is the home of Boston Red Sox. Every year, many people from various cities throughout the United States and all over the world visit the Fenway to live, learn, work, and play. Learn more about the challenges and opportunities in the Fenway, and how Fenway CDC works to improve the quality of life for residents.
1/2: Fenway CDC selected to develop 27-29 Hancock St. into affordable homeownership units. Read Beacon Hill Times article.
12/31: Map: What did the BPDA board approve in your neighborhood in 2024? The Boston Planning & Development Agency board approved 3,575 housing units this year. Read Boston Globe article.
12/17: Non-profit wins approval to replace shuttered Fenway laundromat with affordable apartments. Read Universal Hub article.
12/14: Keeping a close ear to the ground in the Fenway. Read Bankers & Tradesmen article.
6/7: Fenway CDC acquired 112-114 Queensberry. See details here. Read press release.
5/17: Healey-Driscoll Administration Announces Nearly $12 Million in Community Investment Tax Credits. Read press release and Fenway CDC Executive Director – Steven Farrell’s quote here.
5/10: New CDC Head is Seeking Input. Read Boston Guardian article here.
5/6: Executive Director – Steven Farrell Charts Path Forward for Fenway CDC at 51st Annual Meeting. Read Boston Sun article here.
3/25: Fenway CDC’s Deputy Director and Head of Real Estate, Suneeth John, was recently featured in Banker & Tradesman. Read article here.
3/19: Farewell letter of Leah Camhi – Fenway CDC’s Executive Director
2/22: Fenway CDC Announces New Executive Director – Steven Farrell. Press release.
Burbank Terrace
10/26/2023: Planning Office of Urban Affairs and Fenway Community Development Corporation gain ownership of Our Lady’s Guild House. Read news from Planning Office of Urban Affairs.
3/26/2023: A Fast-Track Housing Project Rises in the Fenway. Fenway CDC bought approved development site, speeding timeline. Read news from Bankers & Tradesmen.
Our Lady’s Guild House
3/24/2023: CDC to Acquire Fenway Rooming House In Discrimination Case. Read news from Banker & Tradesman.
3/24/2023: Nonprofits to turn Fenway Rooming House into Affordable Housing. Read news from Boston Business Journal.
3/23/2023: Fenway Rooming House Our Lady’s Guild House to be Sold to 2 Local Non-Profits. Read news from Boston Herald.
3/23/2023: Press Release about Our Lady’s Guild House by Fenway CDC and Planning Office for Urban Affairs.
3/22/2023: Following Housing Discrimination Investigation, AG’s Office Reaches Settlement with Managers of Our Lady’s Guild House, press release from Office of Attorney Genera
10/20/2022: Fenway CDC celebrated the groundbreaking of Burbank Terrace Apartments. We thank our program partners and all Fenway CDC funders for supporting our work to make this possible! Enjoy event photos and see program for more information. Read news from Boston Mayor’s Office of Housing, Boston Business Journal news, and Bankers & Tradesmen news.
7/2/2022: Fenway Porchfest returns after two-year absence as in-person event
Read more about this fun outdoor music festival at Boston Guardian (page 6) and Boston Sun.
A big thank you to all our sponsors and guests for joining us at the Fenway Ball. Enjoy the event photos. Catch the Fenway Ball in The Boston Sun (page 1, 6, 7), Boston Guardian (page 6), and Fenway News (page 6).
6/7/2022: Ribbon-Cutting to Celebrate Preservation and Renovation of Newcastle Saranac
Fenway CDC’s program partners, funders, and residents joined us to celebrate the preservation and renovation of Newcastle-Saranac Apartments at Lower Roxbury. Fenway CDC and The Schochet Companies will preserve 97-unit of affordable residential property. Enjoy the event photos and video. Read more about the project here and City of Boston news.
At the urging of many neighbors, Fenway CDC continued our efforts to support the Boston Park Rangers’s Canada Goose egg addling initiative in the Fens by helping them purchase needed supplies, a fiberglass boat, and protective gear. We greatly appreciate this beautification grant fund from the Red Sox Community Benefits administered by the Boston Planning Development Agency. We also thank the Park Rangers for their important wildlife management work to keep the Fens healthy and beautiful!
Fenway Residents Rally for Full Restoration of Service on the #55 Bus
“Several months after rallying for restoration of the 55 bus after it was suspended, Fenway residents, organizations, and businesses are calling for complete restoration of service on the bus line, which has been running on a summer schedule since the spring.” Read more at Boston Sun.
Fenway Residents Seek Full Return of Bus Route 55
“Fenway resident Charles Martel talks about efforts to get full restoration of the service from the No. 55 bus, even extended to connections at Park Street, and with capacity for the area’s expected growth in housing and jobs.” Watch video at BNN.
Bus Riders Demand MBTA Restore Full Service
“Residents rallied in the Fenway Sunday to demand the MBTA restore full service on a local bus line… Neighbors said the community relies heavily on public transit, calling for the stops to be restored and service extended to nearby Park Street.” Read more at WHDH. Watch video.
Dozens rally at MBTA stop in Fenway to restore bus schedule
“Fenway resident Charles Martel talks about efforts to get full restoration of the service from the No. 55 bus, even extended to connections at Park Street, and with capacity for the area’s expected growth in housing and jobs.” Read more at WHDH.
Fenway residents plan to rally for return of Route 55 bus to pre-pandemic schedule
“A lot of elderly and disabled people can’t make the nearly 15-minute walk I have to take to Kenmore Square to catch the Green Line to Park Street and then the Red Line to MIT,” she said. “For people who are working, the new schedule’s not feasible at all.” Read more at Boston Herald.
Community Rallies for the 55 Bus
“There is a gap in public transit for residents who rely on it the most…many Fenway elders rely on the 55 [bus] for grocery shopping appointments, and other activities.” Read more at Sampan.
Bus 55 video coverage Channel 25.
Health Care Institutions Invest in Tenant Protections for Community Health. Fenway CDC was named the lead agency for a $500,000 “focused investment” grant from the BIDMC initiative in December 2020. Along with four partner groups, Fenway CDC will use the grant to “organize and campaign at the city and state level to move legislation, budget items, and policies that will increase funding for affordable housing and rental subsidies, further fair housing, and improve tenants’ rights.” Read article from Shelterforce.org.
After long dispute, Fenway womens home poised to become affordable housing for good
“Our Lady’s Guild House is committed to ensure that the vast majority of the building is affordable housing,” Norton said….The Fenway CDC and Planning Office of Urban Affairs — an affordable housing developer affiliated with the Archdiocese of Boston — would be interested in purchasing the building and turning it into permanent affordable housing, Giordano said…Tenants for years have argued that the owners and management company were discriminating against older residents, trying to push them out, raise the rents, and replace them with students.
“The city’s been working on this issue for a decade now, and we are pleased that the current owners are going to sell this really important asset to create permanent affordable housing…” Dillon said. “We are very hopeful that 100 percent of the units at this address would be deed-restricted, long term affordable housing.” Read more at Boston Globe.
Controversial Fenway Roominghouse Offered to Affordable Developers
“Owners of a Fenway roominghouse under fire for discriminatory rental policies have hired Colliers to market the property, which is being sought for acquisition by a pair of affordable housing developers.” Read more at Bankers & Tradesman.
Fenway Porchfest Organizers Produce Music Video in Lieu of Events’ Cancellation This Year. Read article from Boston Sun.
Fenway CDC and the Schochet Companies closed $53 million Tax Credit Equity and Construction Financing for Newcastle Saranac Apartments in the South End/Lower Roxbury neighborhood in Boston. Read press release here
Fenway CDC is committed to justice in housing, which means that building racial, health, gender, and environmental justice are essential to our work too. Please share poster 1 and poster 2..
Mayor Walsh, Fenway CDC program partners and supporters, The Schochet Companies property management staff, and residents celebrate the preservation of 97 homes at Newcastle-Saranac. Read more at this link. Watch the preservation of Newcastle-Saranac Celebration here (video: 57 seconds). The full event link is here. (video: 47 minutes 31 seconds).
Fenway CDC’s Burbank Gardens was featured in CEDAC’s report: 2018 Data Demonstrates Effect State and City Efforts on Affordable Housing Preservation.
WGBH interviewed Fenway CDC’s Director of Policy and Community Planning, Richard Giordano about the displacement crisis and pressing need for more affordable housing. Watch video here.
Catholic order agrees to halt evictions of rooming house residents amid AG proble – The Boston Globe. Read more…
Burbank Gardens:
Listen to the BNN interviews of stakeholders at Celebrating the Preservation of Burbank Gardens event.
Major renovation of the 52-Uni Burbank Gardens in Boston is Underway, Resulting from $14.3 Million in MassHousing Financing. Read more…
Burbank Gardens in Bankers and Tradesmen. Read more…
Listen to the BNN interviews of stakeholders at Celebrating the Preservation of Burbank Gardens event.
Short-Term Vacation Rentals Impact Neighborhood Stability. Read more…
Airbnb Hosts Upset After Boston Votes To Regulate Short Term Rentals. Read more…
The City Council voted unanimously to regulate Airbnb and its peers. Read more…
February 2018
City may pass AirBnB ordinance. Read more…
Listen to the BNN interviews of stakeholders at Celebrating the Preservation of Burbank Gardens event.
Major renovation of the 52-Uni Burbank Gardens in Boston is Underway, Resulting from $14.3 Million in MassHousing Financing. Read more…
Burbank Gardens in Bankers and Tradesmen. Read more…
Listen to the BNN interviews of stakeholders at Celebrating the Preservation of Burbank Gardens event.
Mayor Martin J. Walsh, funders, program partners, and residents joined Fenway CDC to celebrate the preservation of Burbank Gardens to rehabilitate 52 homes to protect residents from displacement.
Mayor Walsh joins community members to celebrate preservation of 52 units of affordable housing in the Fenway. Read more…
Listen to the BNN interviews of stakeholders at Celebrating the Preservation of Burbank Gardens event.
April 2017
CEDAC commits $8.5 million to preserve affordable housing in the Fenway. Fenway CDC will be rehabilitating 52 homes at 31 Burbank Street to prevent residents from displacement. Read more…
April 2017
Check out the latest news and events in the Fenway. Look out for Fenway CDC’s Career & Resource Fair information. Read more…
March 2017
Read the latest happenings in the Fenway and look out for Fenway CDC’s Annual Meeting info. Read more…
January 2017
MACDC Presented Richard Giordano, Fenway CDC’s Community Organizing Director with Ricanne Hadriane Award. Read more…
April 2016
DHCD Awarded Good news for our donors! DHCDC awarded Fenway CDC $150,000 in Community Investment Tax Credits. Read more…